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Electricity Supply: What it means for Security, Development, and Geopolitics – Panel 2

The nexus of electricity, development, and security is significant, yet its nuances are too often overlooked. This half-day event brings together development and energy experts, government officials, and policy makers to better establish the important linkages between power, security, and development, share successful implementation strategies and consider how these successes can be replicated in diverse contexts.

Panel Two – The Challenges of Generating and Delivering Electricity

The panel discusses the roles of security, governance, and general stability, as well as financing in delivering a sustainable electricity supply. Also discussed are regionally focused case studies as an opportunity for a more comprehensive understanding of these challenges, with particular interest in Public-Private Partnerships.

Chair: Brian Rich, COO, APR Energy


Dante Disparte, CEO and Founder – The Risk Cooperative
Faith Corneille, Director of the Office of Electricity and Energy Efficiency – State Department
John Morton, Chief of Staff to President – OPIC

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