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The Telework Playbook: A Virtual Townhall

The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic has challenged organizations to create accessible and productive remote workplaces on short notice. As organizations confront the business continuity pressures the pandemic has brought, the rapid adjustment to telework is exposing critical risks.

Has your team answered these questions?
  • Do we have the right cybersecurity measures in place?
  • Have we educated our staff on current cyber threats and cyber hygiene?
  • Do we know if our cyber insurance policy applies to telecommuters?
  • How can we best support struggling clients and employees?
  • What is the plan for office re-entry once the crisis has passed?

Risk Cooperative’s Chief Revenue Officer, Les Williams, was joined by Austin Berglas, BlueVoyant’s Global Head of Professional Services to outline the scope of the challenge and offer their expertise.

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