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In Summary – Andres Franzetti, CEO, Details What Makes Risk Cooperative Differ from the Rest

Andres Franzetti, CEO and Cofounder of Risk Cooperative, shares where he thinks the risk management industry could grow and how the pandemic fostered resiliency. 

Below is a summary. Additional details are outlined in the full article, written and published by Risk & Insurance. Read Full Article

R6 23p46 The Profession 3 550“One of my key accomplishments, certainly, is Risk Cooperative and the terrific team that makes it work. I’m very proud of the highly diverse team we’ve built and that we have been able to hold true to our founding principles,” says Andres Franzetti. 

Interview Highlights:

On Changes in Risk Management |I think this is the biggest change in our industry as the risk landscape continues to grow more complex and interconnected. Companies are having to contemplate how to manage their risks from technology, reputational exposures, and extreme weather events. Both insurers and insureds are now having to deal with the effects of these new threats.”

On What the Industry Does Well | I think two key things that risk managers are doing are creating more information sharing groups as well as incorporating more technology into their risk management programs.

On How Technology Impacts the Profession| Risk managers now need to work hand in hand with their IT departments to stay on top of devices, staff use, and general policy adherence to avoid data being compromised or systems getting hacked. This can be a 24/7 job on its own. 

Read the full article on Risk & Insurance

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