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Les Williams

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Les Williams, a Certified Risk Manager (CRM), is the leadership team’s head of business development and sales initiatives. He works with clients to help develop risk mitigation strategies and provide insurance portfolio management, specializing in crafting solutions for emerging risks such as cyber liability insurance, political risk insurance, and other complex domestic and global challenges. Mr. Williams is a featured “Risk Insider”, and his monthly columns appear in the publication Risk & Insurance. In 2020 Mr. Williams was recognized in this publication as a 2020 Power Broker for Specialty Lines , and he has appeared as a professional contributor in The Institutes’ CPCU online risk management curriculum. Mr. Williams is a member of the Cybersecurity Strategic Council for the Private Directors Association (PDA).

Les Williams, a Certified Risk Manager (CRM), is the leadership team’s head of business development and sales initiatives. He works with clients to help develop risk mitigation strategies and provide insurance portfolio management, specializing in crafting solutions for emerging risks such as cyber liability insurance, political risk insurance, and other complex domestic and global challenges. Mr. Williams is a featured “Risk Insider”, and his monthly columns appear in the publication Risk & Insurance. In 2020 Mr. Williams was recognized in this publication as a 2020 Power Broker for Specialty Lines , and he has appeared as a professional contributor in The Institutes’ CPCU online risk management curriculum. Mr. Williams is a member of the Cybersecurity Strategic Council for the Private Directors Association (PDA).
Les WilliamsEngagements
COVID-19: 8 Critical Things Your Business Should Be Doing Right Now
As COVID-19 continues to force businesses and society into uncertainty, companies may be wondering what actions they can take to address the ever-emerging ...
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Les WilliamsNews and Analysis
Why We Need a Federal Standard for Health Care Access and Provider Viability
While the COVID-19 pandemic has caused health care facilities to rethink their operational strategy, the government has been supportive in the form of ...
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Les WilliamsEngagements
The Telework Playbook: A Virtual Townhall
The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic has challenged organizations to create accessible and productive remote workplaces on short notice. As organizations confront the ...
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Les WilliamsNews and Analysis
During COVID-19, Risk Managers Must Act Now to Be the Heroes Businesses Need
Choose an insurance broker who's a trusted partner, invested in your success.   Broker Resources
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Les WilliamsInsurance 101
Coronavirus and Telecommuting: How One Risk Is Giving Way to an Even Bigger Cyber Threat
First identified in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China in December 2019, the virus, officially known as “SARS-CoV-2,” has created a ripple effect throughout the ...
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Les WilliamsInsurance 101
Insurance Policies Every Business Should Have
Choose an insurance broker who's a trusted partner, invested in your success.   Broker Resources
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Les WilliamsNews and Analysis
5 of the Most Demanding Risks to Prepare for in 2020
According to the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) top 10 business risks of highest concerns globally released this past October, the top 10 global risks ...
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Les WilliamsInsurance 101
Innocent Cyber Bystanders Entangled in an Act of War
Thursday, January 3, 2020, may very well be an inflection point in the history of modern cyber warfare. U.S. President Donald J. Trump ...
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Les WilliamsNews and Analysis
Why Emotional Intelligence Is the Key to Managing Artificial Intelligence
Technology that once seemed like science fiction taken from a Hollywood blockbuster  is now becoming reality in today’s modern world. This is taking ...
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Les WilliamsNews and Analysis
One California Utility’s Blackout Strategy Is a Wake-Up Call for Business Resiliency Planning
Dante Disparte, founder and chairman of Risk Cooperative, recently co-authored a book entitled Global Risk Agility And Decision Making.  The book takes a ...
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Les WilliamsNews and Analysis
It’s Long Past The Time for Banks and Insurers to Unfriend Coal. Here’s Why.
September 20 through 27 commemorated a historic week around the globe. According to the website, over 150 countries experienced protests supporting climate change initiatives. These ...
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Les WilliamsNews and Analysis
How to Keep Health Care Coverage Going During a Government Shutdown
While this article was originally published in January 2019, the specter of a government shutdown is perpetually on the horizon. The effects of ...
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